The invisible protagonist, THE ARTIST IS ABSENT

The creative genius of Martin Margiela condensed into twelve minutes: that’s The Artist Is Absent, a short presented at the last edition of the Tribeca Film Festival and dedicated to the famous Belgian couturier who for years has jealously refused to cede any images of himself to the media. The film’s director, Alison Chernick – who has previously shot films on visual artists such as Matthew Barney and Jeff Koons – tells the designer’s story with the help comments from various personalities ‘in the know’, including Jean Paul Gaultier, in whose atelier Margiela began his career, and Patrick Scallon, his spokesman, who describes the progressive elimination of visual images showing his face and the parallel growth of his mythical status.


Il genio creativo di Martin Margiela condensato in dodici minuti: è The Artist Is Absent, cortometraggio presentato in occasione della scorsa edizione del Tribeca Film Festival e dedicato al famoso couturier belga che da anni nega la propria immagine ai media. La regista Alison Chernick, che in passato aveva lavorato su personaggi del mondo dell’arte come Matthew Barney e Jeff Koons, ripercorre qui la storia dello stilista punteggiandola di testimonianze blasonate: da Jean Paul Gaultier, nel cui atelier Margiela ha iniziato la propria carriera, a Patrick Scallon, portavoce dello stilista, il quale ricorda il progressivo eclissamento della sua immagine e l’inarrestabile emergere del mito.



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